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Dogs Eye Popped Out? All You Need to Know and Do Right Away!

Dogs Eye Popped Out? All You Need to Know and Do Right Away!

Dogs Eye Popped Out? Well, a few moments are as shocking for dog lovers as seeing their pup’s eye suddenly appear to pop out of its socket. Known as proptosis, this emergency condition can happen without warning, especially in certain breeds, and requires immediate action to save the dog’s eyesight and alleviate discomfort.

This may sound like a rare horror story, but for some canines, it’s a realistic risk. So, what exactly does this mean for pup owners? 

Let’s look beyond the basics to understand proptosis, why certain dogs are more vulnerable, and how you can act fast to help.

When the Unexpected Happens: How Did Dogs Eye Popped Out?

In human terms, dogs eye popped out of socket sounds more like a freak accident. But for many puppies, particularly brachycephalic breeds (those with flatter faces like Bulldogs, Pugs, and Shih Tzus), it’s a real risk due to the unique structure of their eye sockets. 

These dogs have shallow eye sockets, making their eyes naturally more prominent. This structure means that even a small bump or sudden pull on the neck can dislodge the eye from its position.

While trauma is the most common cause, there are also lesser-known triggers like:

  • Infections or tumors behind the eye can gradually push it outward.
  • Eye disorders like glaucoma increase pressure within the eye.
  • Weakness in the eye’s connective tissues, sometimes due to genetics.

For dogs prone to these issues, even a playful tug or a rough encounter with another animal could lead to proptosis. 

Do you want to learn about more eye diseases that develop in dogs? Nodding your head in yes? Click here!

The Moment It Happens: Handling Dogs Eye Popped Out

If you ever encounter this situation, staying calm is crucial. Many dog owners feel panic and helplessness, but being mentally prepared and having a plan can make a big difference.

  1. Secure Your Dog: First, prevent your dog from moving too much. Try to keep them calm, as additional agitation can worsen the injury.
  2. Protect the Eye: You don’t want to touch the eye directly, but you can use a clean, moist cloth to cover it gently. Moisture is critical to prevent the eye from drying out, as this could lead to further complications.
  3. Avoid Applying Pressure: Some owners instinctively try to “push” the eye back in place, but this is dangerous. Leave it to the professionals.
  4. Seek Immediate Veterinary Care: Time is crucial. Rush to the nearest animal hospital or emergency vet as soon as possible.

What to Expect from Veterinary Care When Dogs Eye Popped Out

When you are scared that my dogs eye popped out and arrive at the vet, the medical team will assess the condition of the eye and the surrounding structures. Treatment options vary depending on the severity of the injury and the dog’s overall health. Here’s a quick overview of what might happen:

  • Immediate Repositioning: For cases where the damage isn’t severe, the vet will carefully reposition the eye and secure it in place using sutures.
  • Medication and Pain Management: Antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, and pain relief medications are commonly prescribed to prevent infection and control discomfort.
  • Follow-up Care and Monitoring: Recovery involves close monitoring and sometimes follow-up surgeries, especially if the eye is severely damaged. 

Point to Ponder: Have you ever thought about the impact of medication and aspirin on dogs? The aspirins can be alarming to health and sometimes, they are not. Read more!

A Not-So-Rare Occurrence: My Dogs Eye Popped Out of Socket

Understanding your dog’s risk level can be empowering and help you take preventative steps. Certain breeds, especially those with flat faces and large, protruding eyes, are more prone to this issue. Besides Pugs, Bulldogs, and Shih Tzus, other smaller breeds like the Pekingese and Boston Terrier are also at risk.

If your dog is at higher risk, some small changes in daily handling can help protect them:

  • Avoid Neck Pressure: Consider using a harness instead of a collar to reduce pressure on the neck, particularly if your dog tends to pull.
  • Watch Out for Rough Play: Although dogs enjoy playtime, it’s essential to be cautious about situations where roughhousing could lead to head injuries.
  • Regular Eye Health Check-Ups: Routine vet visits can catch early signs of glaucoma or eye disorders that might predispose your dog to proptosis.

Life After a Dogs Eye Popped Out

Many dogs adapt remarkably well, even if they lose vision in the affected eye. Dogs rely heavily on other senses, like smell and hearing, and typically adjust to partial or total loss of vision without much trouble. 

After the initial trauma, dogs may show signs of nervousness, especially around other animals or in high-energy situations. Owners can support their dogs by creating a peaceful environment and minimizing exposure to potentially risky scenarios.

Concluding Words On Proptosis and Your Pet

You might be worried about my dogs eye popped out what do I do, but with the right knowledge, it doesn’t have to be terrifying. Whether your dog is at high risk due to breed or has experienced an unfortunate accident, awareness, and readiness are your best tools.
